Colby Nollin

Physical Therapist

Colby Nollin, PT, DPT, started her physical therapy studies at the University of Arizona where she obtained a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Sciences. Later, she became a licensed massage therapist and gained experience in the use of manual therapy to address myofascial tension and pain, before obtaining her Doctor of Physical Therapy at Northwestern University.

After graduating, Colby spent nearly a decade in the outpatient orthopedic setting. Meanwhile, she furthered her techniques and skills by acquiring expertise in trigger point dry needling, joint mobilizations, myofascial decompression, and utilization of the Graston Technique. It wasn’t until later that she decided to progress her career into the area of pelvic health due to her own experience with pelvic pain following the birth of her children, and pursued training from Herman and Wallace Rehabilitation Institute in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Even now, as Colby dedicates herself to her work at Pelvic Therapy & Fitness, she continues to fine-tune her skills in the area of pelvic health and is currently working to become certified as a Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

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Colby resides in the northwest suburbs with her husband and two young children. During her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, trying new restaurants, traveling, and enjoying the outdoors.